Your AI Recruiter manages your entire funnel, hyper-personalizing marketing, recruiting prospective students, and collaborating with your admissions team to process applications.
Give your AI Recruiter a goal and watch it exceed expectations. Your AI Recruiter can help you remind prospects to apply, create hyper-local campaigns for college fairs, and more.
The AI Recruiter creates a specialized marketing journey for each student, engaging them 1-on-1 across email, SMS, and calls. It can also greet website visitors, manage direct admissions, and manage your phone line during off hours.
Your AI Recruiter can supercharge your reading process by helping your team process transcripts, calibrate GPAs, and provide recommendations for admission.
The AI Recruiter continuously learns and adapts from new interactions, improving responses and engagement over time.
Train and customize your AI Recruiter to align with your communication style, engagement approach, and institutional priorities.